- Também os Açores sofrem com os impactos directos da “enorme entrada de plásticos no meio marinho” (Correio dos Azores, Portugal, 03/06/2018)
- Préserver les tortues marines aux îles Kuriat et au golfe de Gabès (La presse de Tunisie, Tunisia, 25/05/2017)
- Ataoğlu: “Marketlerde kullanılan naylon poşetler ücretli olacak” (Gündem Kibris, Turkey, 29/10/2018)
> English version: Ataoglu: “Nylon bags used in grocery stores will be paid”
- Naylon poşetler 1 Aralık itibariyle ücretli oluyor: “Fiyat 20-25 kuruş arası” (Kibris Postasi, Turkey, 28/10/2018)
> English version : Nylon bags are available as of December 1: “Price between 20-25 cents”
- Retour inattendu des bébés tortues sur une plage de l’Hérault (Le Monde, France, 15/10/2018)
> English version: Unexpected return of baby turtles on a beach in the Hérault
- Hepsi kaplumbağanın midesinden çıktı! Şoke olacaksınız (Milliyet, Turkey, 18/09/2018)
> English version: They’re all out of the turtle’s stomach! You will be shocked
- Kaplumbağanın midesinden poşet, içecek kapağı ve misina çıktı (Haber Turk, Turkey, 17/09/2018)
- Trende uyduk: Burası Pasifik Okyanusu ya da Kuzey Buz Denizi değil, Karpaz! (Kibris Postasi, Turkey, 26/08/2018)
- La tortuga boba llega a las playas españolas (El Pais, Spain, 03/08/2018)
> English version: The loggerhead turtle reaches Spanish beaches
- The average will become a sea of plastic (SciDevNet, Tunisia, 26/06/2018)
- IN ESCLUSIVA PER VOI TUTTI GLI EXTRA DI FOCUS WILD N. 85! (Focus Junior, Italy, 11/07/2018)
- Projetos científicos a decorrer na área da biodiversidade nos Açores representam três milhões de euros (Acoriano Oriental, Azores (Portugal), 09/07/2018)
> English version: Scientific projects in the area of biodiversity in the Azores represent three million euros
- Nel Mediterraneo una tartaruga su due ha della plastica nello stomaco (Agi, Italy, 08/06/2018)
> English version: In the Mediterranean one turtle on two has plastic in the stomach
- A Fasano si è parlato di corretta gestione delle acque (Villaggio Globale, Italy, 07/06/2018)
> English version: In Fasano we talked about proper water management
- Caretta carettaların yarıdan fazlası plastik yutuyor (BBC Turkey, Turkey, 05/06/2018)
> English version: More than half of caretta carettas swallow plastic
- Ispra: le tartarughe marine sono piene di plastica (Greenreport, Italy, 05/06/2018)
- Sugerør og skruelåg: Halvdelen af skildpadder har plastik i kroppen (DR, Danemark, 05/06/2018)
- Half Mediterranean turtles have plastic in bodies (ANSAmed, International, 04/06/2018)
- Giornata mondiale dell’ambiente: combattere la plastica, una sfida globale (Repubblica, Italy, 04/06/2018)
> English version: World Environment Day: fighting plastics, a global challenge
- Tartarughe marine piene di plastica, Ispra: “E’ indicatore ambientale” (Dire, Italy, 04/06/2018)
> English version: Sea turtles full of plastic, Ispra: “It is an environmental indicator”
- #LPA : La divulgación científica vuelve a tener un papel fundamental en FIMAR 2018 (Noticanarias, Spain, 14/05/2018)
> English version: #LPA: Scientific dissemination once again plays a key role in FIMAR 2018
- Pollution plastique: les tortues marines comme indicateur (Midi Libre, France, 28/02/2018)
> Online version (French only)
- Imparten en La Palma el taller de formación ‘Protocolos de actuación con tortugas marinas varadas en Canarias’ (El Diario, Spain, 26/01/2018)
> English version: La Palma training workshop ‘Protocols of action with sea turtles stranded in the Canary Islands’
- La agricultura provoca la mitad de los enmallamientos de tortugas en Canarias (El Diario, Spain, 29/11/2017)
> English version: Agriculture causes half of turtle entanglements in the Canary Islands
- Womad suelta a dos tortugas en Las Canteras para mostrar su respeto a la naturaleza (El Diario, Spain, 11/11/2017)
> English version: Womad releases two turtles in Las Canteras to show their respect for nature
- La Fundación Oceanogràfic expone sus trabajos en la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos (ABC.es, Spain, 30/09/2017)
- El Instituto Cavanilles reúne este fin de semana a 160 expertos en cetáceos (La Vanguardia, Spain, 28/09/2017)
> English version: The Cavanilles Institute brings together 160 cetacean expert this weekend)
- Governo dos Açores preocupado com impacto do lixo nos ecossistemas marinhos (Diário de Notícias, Spain, 26/09/2017)
> English version: Government of the Azores worried about the impact of rubbish on marine ecosystems
- La ULPGC evalúa el impacto en las tortugas de la basura que se tira al mar (La Provincia, Spain, 20/06/2017)
> English version: The ULPGC evaluates the impact on turtles of garbage thrown into the sea
- El 90 % de les tortugues marines analitzades contenen restes de microplàstics (Samaruc Digital, Spain, 20/07/2017)
> English version: 90% of sea turtles analyzed contain microplastic remains
- Ambiente: Progetto INDICIT – Impatti dei rifiuti marini sulla tartagura marina e il biota (OrizzontEnergia, Italy, 24/05/2017)
> English version: Environment: INDICIT project – Impacts of marine litter on marine turtle and biota
- Governo dos Açores integra consorcio europeu sobre do lixo marihno (Newspaper, Azores (Portugal), 20/02/2017)
- Regiào integra consorcio europeu sobre impacto do lixo marinho (Acoriano Oriental, radio, Azores (Portugal), 20/02.2017)
- Governo dos Açores integra consorcio europeu sobre do lixo marihno (revista, Magazine, Azores (Portugal), 20/02/2017)
- Governo dos Açores integra consorcio europeu sobre do lixo marihno (Clube Asas do Atlantico, Radio, Azores (Portugal), 20/02/2017)
- Governo dos Açores integra consorcio europeu sobre do lixo marihno (Radio Atlantida, Azores (Portugal), 20/02/2017)
- Governo dos Açores integra consorcio europeu sobre do lixo marihno (Newspaper, Diario da Lagoa, Azores (Portugal), 20/02/2017)
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