The INDICIT II project comprises 5 Activities, sub-divided into several tasks.o
Activity 1: Management, coordination and communication
The objective is to ensure the proper coordination of the project in order to respect the objectives, the time frame and the budget. This activity is led by EPHE in Montpellier (France) and co-led by UNEXE (UK). It involves all the members of the INDICIT II Consortium (EPHE and MTES (France), UNEXE (UK, Cyprus), ISPRA and CNR-IAMC (Italy), HCMR (Greece), DGSCM-SGPM, UVEG and ULPGC (Spain) and FRCT (Portugal), INSTM (Tunisia), PAU-DEKAMER (Turkey)).
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- Activity 1 concerns the management and coordination as well as the communication of the INDICIT II project, which is divided into 3 tasks:
Task 1.1: Technical coordination of the project (coordination of the partners’ common work)
Task 1.2: Administrative, legal and financial management of the project
Task 1.3: Communication
The Activity 1 leader (project management team) is supported by the 4 other Activity leaders and co-leaders who are responsible for the coordination of the work in his/her Activity. Meetings of all the INDICIT II participants are also planned twice a year by the project partners (see agenda). These meetings provide the opportunity to discuss the project progress and its next steps. The INDICIT II partners can refer to INDICIT II External Advisory Board, which includes relevant representatives of the RSCs and of Member States’ national administrations, as well as scientific experts.
The Steering Committee, which is chaired by the Project Coordinator and composed of 1 voting representative per participating organization, is required to adopt decisions about the project supervision and any strategic issue.
Activity 2: Applying the indicator “Litter ingested by sea turtles” to quantify the Programs of Measures at the OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs and MSFD areas
This Activity – Applying the indicator “Litter ingested by sea turtles” to quantify the Programs of Measures at the OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs and MSFD areas” – is led by UVEG (Spain) and co-led by CNR -IAMC (Italy). This activity involves all the members of the INDICIT II Consortium.
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- Activity 2 is divided into 3 tasks:
Task 2.1: Support the quantification of the effects of programs of measures
Task 2.2: Strengthening the implementation of the indicator
Task 2.3: Updating indicator’s GES, units and constraints at the RSCs scale
Activity 3: Implementation of the indicator “Entanglement in floating debris by sea turtles, birds and cetaceans” at the OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs and MSFD areas
This Activity – Implementation of the indicator “Entanglement in floating debris by sea turtles,
birds and cetaceans” at the OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs and MSFD areas” – is led by ULPGC (Spain) and co-led by INSTM (Tunisia) and involves the following partners – EPHE, UVEG, PAU-DEKAMER, HCMR, UNEXE, FRCT, and IAMC-CNR.
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- Activity 3 is divided into 4 tasks:
Task 3.1: Networking and standardization of monitoring
Task 3.2: Collection of standard data
Task 3.3: Evaluation of GES and indicator’s characteristics at the RSC scale
Task 3.4: Evaluation of the indicator in pilot areas
Activity 4:Implementation of the indicator “Micro-debris ingested by fish and sea turtles” at the OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs and MSFD areas
This Activity – Implementation of the indicator “Micro-debris ingested by fish and sea turtles” at the OSPAR and Barcelona RSCs and MSFD areas” – is led by ISPRA in Roma (Italy) and co-led by FRCT (Portugal), and it focuses on “micro-debris ingested by fish and sea turtles” indicator. Activity 4 involves the following partners – EPHE, ULPGC, UVEG, PAU-DEKAMER, HCMR, UNEXE, CNR-IAMC.
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- The Activity 4 is divided into 2 tasks:
Task 4.1: Implementation of the Indicator “Micro-debris ingested by fish”
Task 4.2: Implementation of the Indicator “Micro-debris ingested by sea turtles”
Activity 5:Synergies with other (inter)national programs
This Activity is led by the HCMR in Greece and co-led by EPHE (France).
Activity 5 is divided into 3 tasks:
Task 5.1: Identification of international programs
Task 5.2: Data sharing with international programs
Task 5.3: Tools for automatic calculation of distances to GES