The INDICIT II External Advisory Board includes 14 members, representatives of the Regional Sea Conventions and of Member States’ national administrations, as well as scientific experts in marine litter.


EAB Newsletter 5 

INDICIT II_EAB Newsletter #5_March 2021

Benjamin Guichard

Coordinator of the french MSFD Reptiles and Marine Mammals monitoring programms

Konstantinos Antoniadis

DFMR, Cyprus government

Gilberto MP Carreira

DRAM Azores government

Marco AR Santos

DRAM Azores government

Sandra Moutinho

DRGM Portuguese Ministry

Ana Tejedor Arceredillo

European Environment Agency
Water and Marine Programm

Jesus Gago

Researcher in Oceanography

François Galgani

chair of the european MSFD TGML

Roberto Giangreco

Ministerio del Ambiente
Senior manager

Françoise Claro

Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle

Philip Stamp

Deputy secretary

Lobna Ben Nakhla

RAC-SPA Barcelona convention
Species Conservation Programme Officer

Stefanie Werner

UBA (German Environment Agency)
Biologist & ICGML

Tatjana Hema

UN Environment/MAP
Deputy Coordinator

Christos Iokeimidis

UN Environment/MAP
Marine litter expert