On December 4th, INDICIT organized an international dissemination meeting hosted by HCMR in Athens (Greece). The one-day-event contributed to the project objective of developing a common approach for monitoring the marine debris ingestion by sea turtles, by disseminating widely information about the set of standardized tools and protocols developed by INDICIT. In addition, it was the occasion to discuss future prospects of the monitoring of the marine debris with policy makers and networks (EU DG ENV and TGML, Ospar, Helcom and Barcelona conventions, Portugal and France national representatives, Medasset).
In the morning, Claude Miaud (CNRS EPHE), Gaëlle Darmon (CNRS) and Ana Liria Loza (ULPGC) presented INDICIT current results and the standard protocol for marine debris ingestion by sea turtles. The videotutorial created by ISPRA in the frame of INDICIT was also showed to the participants. During the afternoon, two panel discussions gathering EU, RSCs and national authorities representatives, as well as NGOs discussed the integration of INDICIT results in national and international policies, and the challenges of the implementation of a common methodology.
The event was attended by stakeholders from 9 countries: 27 persons in Athens, while more than 20 persons were connected on the livestreaming, and able to comment and ask questions to the speakers. Most of the stakeholders expressed their wish to use the standardized tools and several actions were agreed with policy makers for integrating INDICIT results in the working agendas of EU and RSCs.
- Final agenda of the meeting
- Presentation of INDICIT_Objectives and Results
- Presentation of INDICIT tools
- Presentation of INDICIT results in the context of MSFD and RSCs