Partners of the INDICIT Project (I.U. Ecoaqua – ULPGCC, Spain and DRAM – Açores, Portugal) and several of their related stakeholders were present at the “Knowledge transfer Conferences” of the European projects MARCET and MISTIC SEAS II held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on November 29th and 30th, 2017.
Currently four European projects focusing on the conservation and monitoring of marine mega-fauna (mainly sea turtles and marine mammals) are taking place in the Macaronesia Region:
- MARCET (“Red Macaronésica de Transferencia de Conocimientos y Tecnologías Interregional y Multidisciplinar para proteger, vigilar y monitorizar los cetáceos y el medio marino, y analizar y explotar de forma sostenible la actividad Turística asociada”)
- MISTIC SEAS II (“Seguimiento y evaluación coordinada de la biodiversidad marina en la Macaronesia”),
- LIFE IP INTEMARES (“Gestión integrada, innovadora y participativa de la Red Natura 2000 en el medio marino español”)
- INDICIT (Implementation of the Indicator “Impact of marine litter on sea turtles and biota’ in RSC and MSFD areas) .
All projects were presented to the open public on November 29th at the Elder Museum in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Ana Liria Loza (IU Ecoaqua-ULPGC) presenting INDICIT Project to the open public in the Elder Museum
On the 30th, practical sessions were conducted in the Animal Health University Institute (IUSA – ULPGC) to the members (partners, technical staff and stakeholders) of the four projects trying to standardize and homogenize methodologies and sampling methods. Finally, attendants participated in several necropsies (two turtles and two dolphins) guided by IUSA staff.
Ana Liria Loza (IU Ecoaqua-ULPGC) presenting INDICIT methodologies, and INDICIT partners and members from Advisory Board
(IU Ecoaqua – ULPGC, IMAR and DRAM –Azores) participating in the necropsy session at the Animal Health University Institute
The aim of these meeting was to create and/or increase synergies between different projects working on the Macaronesia Region, focused on standardize sampling and monitoring methodologies.
All sessions are available online in MARCET Project webpage (
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